Did you know that Jesus quoted Deuteronomy more than any other book?
Discover this amazing book of the Bible through our new FREE 7-part film series shot on locations across England. In it we explore how Deuteronomy shows us God’s vision for living life and flourishing - ‘Wellness God’s Way.’
If you are running the series in a group we’d love to know, so we can help you out and pray for you - please do register your group here. A Study Guide, downloadable version of each film, Podcast and E-booklet versions, extra essays, and more, are all available in the series extras section below.
Episode 1: Wellness God’s Way (Introduction)
David Ingall invites you on a journey to re-discover the Old Testament book Jesus quoted more than any other. Explore what it shows us about how to live life well according to God’s ways. (length: 19:38)
Episode 2: Remembering Grace (Deuteronomy 1-4)
David visits an Iron-Age hill fort as he explores how this book of ‘law’ actually starts with stories of God’s love and grace, and what that shows us about God and us. (length: 20:13)
Episode 3: The Perfect 10 (Deuteronomy 5)
How well do we really know the 10 commandments? David journeys to the church and city where he got married to help him think through one of the most famous parts of the Bible. Are the ten commandments as much about relationship as rules? (length: 18:47)
Episode 4: The Meaning of the Law (Deuteronomy 6-11)
David reflects on love and fatherhood as he continues to explore Deuteronomy and what it shows us about what really matters in life. (length: 20:03)
Episode 5: What About the Canaanites? (Deuteronomy 7)
David goes on a physical and emotional journey as he grapples with one of the hardest bits of whole the Bible – why did God tell the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites? (length: 20:07)
Episode 6: Getting Down to Detail (Deuteronomy 12-26)
David visits the statue of an ancient king, samples some classic British food and reflects on his schooldays, as he looks at the details of Deuteronomy and tries to work out how we can apply them today. (length: 20:33)
Episode 7: Grace through Judgement (Deuteronomy 27-34)
As our journey through Deuteronomy comes to a close, David explores a grand drama and a song commissioned by God, and shows how both point to our need for God’s grace. (length: 20:29)
We have also partnered with a number of other organisations to make Deuteronomy: Wellness God’s Way available as widely as possible. Check it out on:
Series Extras
Our films are perfect for small groups, and we’ve put together some extra resources to make them even easier!
Our focus is on making great films, but we also produce podcast versions of our series, which you can find here.