
Can you help us make great films?

We are a crowdfunded charity - so your support makes our films possible. Thank you!

The buttons above enable tax-efficient giving, through our giving partners Stewardship (UK) and TrustBridge Global, but you can also give via PayPal.

How is my gift actually used?

Last year 93% of all our spending was on the costs of making and sharing content (calculated from our Annual Report and Accounts) - the rest is then spent on boring but important things like insurance, office costs, safeguarding, marketing and banking.

Frequently Asked Questions…

  • Yes! (probably…)

    UK Givers can claim GifAid and other tax reliefs by giving through the Stewardship button above.

    US and International givers can give tax-efficiently through using the TrustBridge button above.

    Or…you are always welcome to give via paypal if you would rather, you just can’t reclaim tax.

  • Yes!

    if you want to give to a specific film series, just add a note in the comments/message section of the form, and we'll make sure to use it on the right project.

  • If we don’t reach our fundraising targets for a new series we simply wait until we do before the cameras start rolling. We are very unlikely to raise too much for any particular series, as we keep a close eye on our fundraising and stop our campaigns as soon as we reach our target. If we do have a small surplus, or the series costs less than anticipated, then any small excess will go towards the next series.

  • When we launched Burning Heart at the start of 2022, we set some specific and measurable goals that we hoped to achieve by the summer of 2023. We assessed our performance against those goals (and others) at the end of August 2023, and you can find out how we did here.

A Big “Thank You” to our international givers…

We are so blessed by the generosity of those who give towards our ministry - we couldn’t do it without you! We usually try to write and say ‘thank you’ to everyone who gives, but didn’t realise that our new international giving partner cannot pass on contact details - we’ve now added a form ourselves, but that means those who have given over the past year have had no ‘thanks’ or acknowledgement. We are so sorry - and very very grateful! Thank you! if you were one of those givers, do get in touch and we’d love to say thanks!