Our focus is on making great films, but we have also produced some audio (and e-booklet) resources too. Scroll down for podcast versions of some of our series, or to see a multi-series podcast partnership with Rev Chris Come Read with me.
You can also find the podcast versions of our film series on most major podcast providers - click on the links below.
Daniel: Does God Reign? Does God Care?
A Message from God
Pursuing Peace: Philippians 4v4-9
Prayer: Learning from Jesus
Deuteronomy: Wellness God’s Way
Struggling with Judgement
The opening music on each podcast is Piano Cassical Brand Motive Logo by ZakharValaha (on Pixabay)
Come read with me, RevChris
We’re excited to be involved in a new podcast launched by one of our Trustees Chris Lee (Rev Chris) - each episode is a discussion between Chris and our Director, David Ingall, as they read and talk through scripture.